Python range() Method

Python range() method is a built-in method. It is used to create an immutable sequence of numbers. It returns an object of sequence that behaves like list but it is not. The object belongs to the range class.


range(start, stop[, step])

Parameter Description
Start (Optional) It is starting value of the range. Its default value is 0.
Stop (Required) It is end value of the range.
Step (Optional) It is step value of the range. Its default value is 1.


It returns an object of range class.

Note: All the arguments of range() must be integer.

Python range() Method Example

Let’s first understand, how to create a range and what type of object it returns?

# Creating an empty range
r = range(0)
# Displaying range object
# Displaying type of object

 range(0, 0)
 < class 'range'>

Python range() method Example : Creating Range Object

# Creating a range
r1 = range(5)
# Providing start and stop arguments
r2 = range(1,5)
# Providing all three arguments
r3 = range(1,5,1)
# Displaying range objects

 [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] # range starts from 0, if start argument is not provided.
 [1, 2, 3, 4]
 [1, 2, 3, 4]

Python range() method Example : range object can be accessed using indices

Range elements can be accessed using indices. See the example.

# Creating a range
r1 = range(1,10,2)
# Displaying range elements
# Accessing element using index
print("Element at second index is: ",r1[2])

 [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
 Element at second index is: 5