Write a Program to Find Area of Circle

Area of a circle can be found by multiplying a constant (pi) by square of the radius. You can refer Algorithm and flowchart of this program as well for better understanding.


flowchart of area of a circle



Step1: Declare a constant PI=3.14

Step2: Take a numeric value (radius) from the user

Step3: Multiply square of the radius by constant (PI) and store result into a new variable

Step4: Display the result


Program Example

This program is tested and executed using Atom IDE with Python 3.8 version. To find area, we cast user input to float because input function returns string type value.

PI = 3.14
r=float(input('Enter radius of a circle'))
area = PI*(r*r)
print("Area = ",area)
 Enter radius of a circle 15
 Area = 706.5